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Chia Wallets to Use with Namesdao

Here are a list of Chia wallets that you can use with .xch names, such as Evergreen Mobile and Frodo Wallet. (more soon)

Wallet Operating Systems .xch address support Fully Open Source Outgoing Memo
Outgoing Memo
Support, Tokens
Namesdao .xch
Major Desktop Y Y Y Y
Frodo Wallet Android/Webapp Y Y Y Y
Evergreen Mobile iOS/Android Y n Y Y
Namesdao Dapp
w/ Hoogii
Chrome / Brave browsers Y n Y Y
Namesdao Dapp
w/ Goby Wallet
Chrome / Brave browsers Y n Y n
Hoogii Chrome / Brave browsers n Y Y Y
Chia Wallet Major Desktop n Y Y Y

Register Names

Desktop: Namesdao .xch Wallet using XCH or NAME or AIR token

Android: Frodo Wallet using XCH / NAME

iPhone / Android: Evergreen Mobile using XCH / NAME

Browser: Hoogii (Chrome/Brave browser extension) using XCH or NAME or AIR token

Desktop: Chia Wallet using XCH or NAME or AIR token

Browser: Namesdao Dapp w/ Goby Wallet (Chrome/Brave browser extension) using XCH

Use Names

Namesdao .xch Wallet

Namesdao Dapp w/ Goby Wallet

Chia Wallet Details

Here’s an overview of the top Chia wallets and dapp/wallet combinations. These will help you transfer XCH Chia, CAT2 tokens, and NFT’s on the Chia blockchain.

Frodo Wallet

Frodo Wallet is fully open-source, has a great user experience, and even lets you do things like mint NFTs and create tokens easily. Namesdao .xch name resolution is integrated and easily available. Outgoing memo support lets you register names easily, using XCH, NAME or AIR.

Evergreen Miner Mobile

The Evergreen Mobile app works on both iOS and Android phones. The newest version 1.3 now includes Namesdao.xch NAME support and integrated easy name registration using either XCH or NAME tokens. It features outgoing memo’s for XCH and CAT2 transfers. For this reason it’s our go-to recommendation for cell phone users who want a Chia wallet.

Hoogii Browser Extension Chia Wallet

Hoogii is a Chrome/Brave browser extension that supports XCH and CAT2 token transfers. It lets you use an outgoing memo with your transactions, which you can use to register Namesdao .xch Names, and other apps. It also includes Dapp support, so you can use dapps with it, including, coming soon, Namesdao’s dapp.

Namesdao Dapp w/ Goby Wallet

The Namesdao Dapp works with the Goby wallet app and will work with future Chia browser extension wallets. You can send tokens or XCH Chia using the other person’s Namesdao .xch name. You can also easily register new .xch names. This is our favorite way to register new names, tied with the Namesdao .xch Wallet App.

Chia Wallet

The Chia Wallet is the granddaddy of Chia wallets. It’s fully open-source, and along with the Namesdao .xch wallet app, it’s the only fully open-source Chia wallet that’s regularly updated. However, it doesn’t let you use an outgoing memo for XCH transfers, and it doesn’t yet let you send to .xch names, so we prefer the Namesdao .xch Wallet App over it for now.

Namesdao .xch Wallet App

The Namesdao .xch Wallet is a fully open-source wallet that lets you send XCH, tokens and NFT’s using Namesdao .xch Names. The wallet app is based on the Chia reference wallet. You can have outgoing memo’s in your transactions for both XCH and token transactions, unlike the Chia wallet, which only has outgoing memo’s for tokens. It also features a default 1-mojo network priority fee so your transactions get through even if the Chia blockchain mempool is full. And the newest version includes NAME and AIR tokens in the Token List, so you can add them without having to look up their Asset ID numbers.

What we like about this wallet is that the .xch name support makes it really easy to do transactions, and the team has also paid attention to various other user experience details.